Tuesday 18 July 2006

OAF and Oracle Workflow

Most of the custom development work I have done on OAF has required me to interact with Oracle Workflow, specifically to handle approvals and interfaces. The class oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OANavigation provides Java wrappers for Oracle Workflow Engine's PL/SQL APIs.

The class is actually intended for use when creating and managing OA Framework Page Flows that are defined by Oracle Workflow, but can also be used to interface with Oracle eBS Workflows.

Example Code - Launching a custom Oracle eBS Workflow from a OAF page:

import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OANavigation;
import java.math.BigDecimal;

public void launchCustomWorkFlow(OAPageContext pageContext)
String wfItemType = "CUSTOM";
String wfProcess = "CUSTOM_PROCESS";
String wfItemKey = "1001-1";

OANavigation wfClass = new OANavigation();

// Create Workflow Process
wfClass.createProcess(pageContext, wfItemType, wfProcess, wfItemKey);

// Set Number Attribute: ITEM_INTERFACE_ID
new BigDecimal(1));

// Set Text Attribute:
wfClass.setItemAttrText(pageContext, wfItemType, wfItemKey,

// Start Workflow Process
wfClass.startProcess(pageContext, wfItemType, wfProcess, wfItemKey);

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